

, my name is

Storm Frazier

Welcome to my digital ocean 🌊

I'm a software engineer living in Dallas. Sometimes I write about software development, design, mathematics, books, or just life. I like rock climbing, woodworking, sci-fi, embroidery, reading, and working on open-source projects.



Recent Posts

🕵The Basics of Principal Component Analysis

The utilization of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has become commonplace in modern data analysis, yet its inner workings are often shrouded in mystery. The aim of this post is to dispel the magic behind this black box.


Image compression in .NET 6

Image compression in C# using the MagickImage library

Numerical Gradient Descent in MATLAB

How to find the local minimum of a convex function using MATLAB

Singular Value Decomposition in Python

How to decompose a matrix in Python using Singular Value Decomposition

Automated deployment to an IIS server with Powershell

A very simple Powershell script to backup and deploy application files to an IIS server and recycle the app pool.

Building a RESTful API for Azure Cosmos DB using FastAPI and Python

A simple API built using FastAPI that allows the user to load data into CosmosDb

Control your Nest thermostat with Twilio and FastAPI

Change the temperature on your Nest thermostat with a single text